The first line of defense against vital security threats is password. Passwords always protect your important information from unauthorized use.
If you’re confused about your Password or password strength then you must know it’s the necessity of the modern world to have strong passwords. Experts suggest maintaining different and strong passwords for all accounts.
It’s always important to choose a strong password but it’s still not enough as hackers can use different effective methods to steal your password. There are a wide variety of techniques such as keylogging, email fishing, downloading malware, and others.
Email Phishing
Email phishing is one of the most common hacking techniques widely used by hackers around the globe. The hacking attempt is common for stealing important information of users by forwarding malicious code through email.
Phishing is generally associated with Email but there are other ways to execute phishing such as SMS or any other kind of electronic communication. The main objective is to persuade the user on clicking the malicious link or downloading the corrupt attachment. With this, a file with malicious code is being executed in your machine. The codes may encrypt files to draw sensitive information about the use which can further be used for ransomware.
To counter Email phishing, you just need to have good IT knowledge. If you don’t want to endorse it, you can just ask for help from a known Cyber Backup and Recovery server. In this regard, Salvador Technologies is always available to make things easier for you.
Malware Download
Screen scrapers, keyloggers, and other hacking tools can be used to inject malware into your PC. These hacking techniques are designed to get the personal data of the user to be used for ransomware. This further results in blockade as system resources remain stranded due to malware execution.
Special types of malware are only executed to crack the passwords of users. Specifically, key loggers and their ilk are meant to track the users’ activity. The user activity is tracked through keystrokes or screenshots which are then shared with hackers. Some malware types browse in all dictionaries of users along with data in the web browser to make password combinations.
Brute Force Attack
Brute Force Attack is more like a password guessing session for hackers as the hackers guess passwords to access the target system. All of this password guessing depends on relevant clues.
For instance, it’s common fact that most people use the same password again. Most importantly, hacking software is specially built for this purpose as hackers get a wide variety of passwords from the relevant clues they had.
Dictionary Attack
The Dictionary Attack is often termed as the most sophisticated form of brute force attack. The dictionary attack refers to a list of common passwords or phrases to be entered into the system until a password makes the difference.
Most dictionary passwords are drawn from previous successful hacking attempts. The words are common passwords or random words combinations and are used repetitively for the best match. This technique works best in most cases as most people use memorable words as their passwords.
Hackers intimately know the activities of their target to get valid credentials. This technique is quite similar to phishing and social engineering attacks. However, hackers have to do a lot of homework to execute this technique.
The results may be very fruitful as it totally depends on the target, hackers are targeting. It’s quite common that companies to use passwords that are relatable to their branding and business activities. Hackers can exploit their internal systems by reading about their products.
Offline Cracking
You must note that not all hacking attempts are not carried out online but they can be executed offline. As a matter of the fact, most of the work in offices is done offline as work systems set a limit for the wrong password. Systems get a lock when the wrong attempt exceeds a specific number.
Offline cracking is all about the decryption of the passwords that are extracted from the most recent data breach. Hackers take time in linking every aspect without the fear of detection and password restrictions. SQL injection attacks are common in this case as they provide elevated privileges to the hackers.
In any case, if the hacker has your password then you’re in nowhere land to protect it. The hacker can steal, see, delete or even encrypt all data from your device.
You’ll end up having your hands on your head and hackers will demand ransomware to give back your data. The only two options are paying ransome or restoring from offline backups that the hucker cannot reach. Salvador developed an offline backup solution without any password protecting your data.
Our ransomware detection and prevention techniques are effective enough to keep your data protected from unauthorized use and save you a lot of money.